Italy has surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, and hostilities between the United Nations and Italy ended early yesterday evening. There were unconfirmed reports this morning of new Allied landings at several points north and south of Rome. The news of the surrender was announced by General Eisenhower himself in a broadcast from Algiers at 5.30 p.m. yesterday. He said: This is General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces. As Allied Commander-in-Chief I have granted a military armistice, the terms of which have been approved by the Governments of the United Kingdom, the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. I am thus acting in the interests of the United Nations. The Italian Government has bound itself to abide by these terms without reservations. The Armistice was signed by my representative and the representative of Marshal Badoglio and becomes effective this instant. Hostilities between the armed forces of the United Nations and those of Italy terminate at once. All Italians who now act to help eject the German aggressor from Italian soil will have the assistance and support of the United Nations.